Air Malta set to relaunch its frequent flyer scheme

The details are scarce, but Air Malta has cryptically hinted that it is set to relaunch its much-maligned frequent flyer scheme, Flypass.

A woman is standing behind a man, playfully covering his eyes with one hand while holding a gift envelope with a red ribbon in the other hand. Both are smiling and appear happy. The man is wearing a beanie, a denim shirt, and a vest, while the woman is wearing a light sweater. The background consists of light blue wooden planks, and there is a logo on the left side of the image that reads "Flypass" with stylized letters "F" and "P" in red, blue, and green.

So what do we know?

Well, not a great deal to be honest. What we do know about the existing scheme is it’s poor value, cumbersome to book and very limited in its options. So, any change is likely to be a welcome one.

However, information on the potential changes are rather thin on the ground.

The emailed communication from Air Malta Flypass is interesting, but limited in its detail, to say the least:

The image contains text that reads: "We're in the middle of a hot summer and we're working on refreshing our product with a cool surprise. Stay tuned for more and, in the meantime, keep earning and redeeming KMiles." The words "hot summer" are in red, and "cool surprise" is in blue.

Needless to say, we’ll keep you posted on developments…

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